When compiling a book or creating any form of art, our focus always lies on the end goal we aim to achieve. Our greatest hope is that whatever we produce will have a positive impact on the development of children. Additionally, we aspire for our works to serve as a testament to the bond between parents and children, creating cherished memories that will remain unforgettable in the future. Art, to us, knows no boundaries, as thoughts are boundless and endless. Find some thoughts from experts and Ookami Mama friends below :)
Pengenalan 1 Bahasa di Tahap Awal Perkembangan Anak
Point of View: Menariknya Belajar Bahasa Jepang Melalui Buku Ookami Mama
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.
Resep mudah dan simple untuk anak
Membeli buku, membaca buku meski tetap menonton gadget
Parenting pintar parenting pemula
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.
Buku Ma-ma Pa-pa: Mengapa di rekomendasi untuk anak baru lahir aka newborn
We have made quality of our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.
Kurangi Gadget, Perbanyak Membaca Buku
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.